This recipe is definitely not for the the savoury lover, but it is delicious and worth every guilty feeling you may encounter. Its so simple and quick, all it requires is a bag of chocolate eclairs, one tablespoon of cream, one bag of marshmallows, one bag of maltesers and one cup of rice bubbles. All you need to do is melt the cream and the eclairs over a double boiler, add the marshmallows (its best to use the small ones from the baking section of the supermarket), and stir until melted, then add the maltesers and rice bubbles and mix to combine. Once all that is done, spread into a small tin, covered in baking paper and refrigerate. What is produced is some sort of chewy, crunchy, delicious, sweet slice which will satisfy any craving.
My brother said it resembled some sort of roasted meat, and refused to try it but please don't let that deter you, its really quite delicious!
haha, this sounds out of control and AMAZING!
sounds like my kinda slice! Thanks for sharing.
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