Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Words and Pictures - Little Things.

These are some of the littlest things I own, I'm sure they don't add up to much in wealth but they are all very dear to me, and kind of symbolise all the small little things in my life that mean so much. The vase reminds me of op-shopping, particularly op-shopping with friends and family, there is nothing quite like the feeling of hoping in the car and heading off to the country to see what you can find and then coming home and remembering not only that trip and the fun you had but also where the things you found came from before they were in the op-shop, I like that part the best.

The pig is old, not vintage old, but I've had it for a while. When I was in high school (I think it was about year 9) I had a very tough time when friends and such, As lots of people would probably know girls can be quite nasty, and for what seemed like ages I was the brunt of their hurtful games. It went on for such a long time, with me trying to hide my unhappiness from everyone, even my family, that one day it just became all to much that I couldn't return to that school again. I took a couple of weeks off school I think, spent a lot of my time on the couch crying and thinking what i was going to do next, I tried going back but it was very hard, so my family decided that I should learn somewhere else. it was probably one of the hardest things I have had to do, i remember thinking over and over how am I going to explain my mid year move, I mean I couldn't tell them I had been bullied, that would be a disaster, all the kids would think I was weird, I can't remember how I solved that problem, but I know I couldn't of done it without my family, which sounds very sappy but is very very true. The weekend before I was about to start at my new school my little brother brought me this pig as good luck, I remember being so happy that he was thinking about me, and so relieved that even if school went horribly bad at least i could come home to them.

The little charm bracelet is also especially dear, Claire and I both have one and have since we were born. Mum brought them empty and has since spent many years adding to them, there are little shoes brought after mum brought our first real ones, a rocking horse to represent our favourite toy, a thong brought after our first trip to the beach, and then there are other things mum purchased on her trip overseas, there is also a trike, a bear and a star, which are all great. I don't wear mine much but am sure I will one day, I do like looking at it though, and appreciating the thought and time that has gone into creating it, its really wonderful.

The other things in my picture are gifts from family or friends just little things you get that make you think "gee that person really knows me" and how great little things like that are. So I guess to me 'Little Things' aren't only things I own but the feelings they give me and the memories they hold, just little things like support and being nice and kind.

More 'words and pictures' here at this great place


Evie said...

Lovely. I especially adore the treasured pig from your little brother, such a kind and caring gesture.

Bird Bath said...

I'm glad you had the support to help you through that awful time...these little treasures you share are sweet.

teddybearswednesday said...

I love that pig, and that you brother was so sweet and gave it to you.
It's weird I had pretty much the exact same thing happen to me in high school, i was bullied by some girls for a long time, it too got so bad I left for a while, and had to go to another school in year 9. So I know what it's like.

Kirsty said...

The little pig is very special & I think that you will come back to that charm bracelet.

Maureen Reynolds said...

What a precious memory of a sib who got it. That piglet will always be special, I'm sure.