Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Childhood Baking!

Photo from here

Ever since I was a young girl I can remember baking being one of my favourite activities. Claire, our Mum, brother and I would spend hours in the kitchen baking a wide range of things like, cupcakes, slices, honey crackles, cakes and biscuits. I used to love measuring everything out first and then adding them as the recipe instructed, Claire on the other hand was a lot less organised and would just measure and add things as she went (much to my frustration). I remember getting older and being able to make things from start to finish by myself. Me and my friend would go to each others houses and make cakes and then ice them in a really grotesque colour in an effort to turn people off, leaving us more to eat. Today I am a little less bizarre with my icing methods and much less greedy when it comes to sharing, but my love of baking remains. I couldn't find a photo of us as kids baking to share, but wouldn't be surprised if it would look any different from the one above that I found on Flickr. You can see some more baking stories over at Mikes.

From Meaghan. 

1 comment:

Josephine Frances said...

That is an awesome post Meaghan, just perfect! I wish I could do lovely blogs like that! xo