Monday, July 21, 2008

Our Favourite Kind of Op-Shop!

Last Friday Claire and I made our way out into the country to visit our Nana. This is definately one of our favourite things to do. When we were young our Nana used to work in her local op-shop, which was in a lovely old barn, a little removed from the main strip of shops (similar to the one photographed). Each time someone came in and donated clothes Nana would always bring them home and give them a good wash before returning them to be sold. When we would go up and stay she would take us up there and let us have a good look around to see if there was anything we liked, meanwhile she would have a good rummage around too. Her house was always full of amazing things she had found in op-shops over the years, sometimes we would just sit and look at all the things, she had tea pots that looked like houses and the biggest collection of salt and pepper shakers I had ever seen. Now whenever we visit Nana a trip to the op-shops is definately in order. The photographs above are pictures of a new op-shop we just discovered, not to far from her home. It took us a while to find but once we did it was amazing. Walking in we didn't know where to start, and just kind of rushed everwhere. Eventually we calmed down and managed to find some really great things. The best thing about these kind of op-shops is the pricing i think. All dresses $3 and all jumpers $4, not like the individually priced items in some big city op-shops. I also like how the floor creeks and the ladies who work there are always doing something crafty, this particular op-shop had a lovely selection of hand knitted bed socks.

After Op-shopping we head of to Nana's for some lunch. For some reason lunch always tastes better sitting around Nana's round table, no matter how simple it is. Last week we had cheese and pickle rolls, lamingtons and jam tarts and a few cups of tea too. Yumm.

1 comment:

CurlyPops said...

That sounds soooo lovely...your nana sounds really really nice!